Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Expression Transformation Complete Overview

Transformation type:

Use the Expression transformation to calculate values in a single row. For example, you might need to adjust employee salaries, concatenate first and last names, or convert strings to numbers. You can also use the Expression transformation to test conditional statements before you pass the results to a target or other transformations.
Use the Expression transformation to perform non-aggregate calculations. To perform calculations involving multiple rows, such as sums or averages, use the Aggregator transformation.

Expression Transformation Components
You can create an Expression transformation in the Transformation Developer or the Mapping Designer.
An Expression transformation contains the following tabs:

Transformation. Enter the name and description of the transformation. The naming convention for an Expression transformation is EXP_TransformationName. You can also make the transformation reusable.

Ports. Create and configure ports.

Properties. Configure the tracing level to determine the amount of transaction detail reported in the session log file.

Metadata Extensions. Specify the extension name, datatype, precision, and value. You can also create reusable metadata extensions.

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